Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. A whole bunch of bloggers do this every Friday or Saturday - sometimes even Sunday - sometimes to exclaim over new books we got, but mostly to help you find books you think you'd like to read. After all, why follow a blog if you don't get recommended books, right?
Below are the books I received this past week. Click on the covers for the Goodreads. Thank you so much Kensington Books, Henry Holt, Greenwillow/HarperCollins, Delacorte Press, HarperTeen, Dial, Disney Hyperion, Balzer + Bray, and Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) for the best ARCs I could ever hope for!:D
Those are the books I managed to get my hands on over the week.
What about you? Link me to your blog or Stacking the Shelves post and I'd love to check it out!
Enjoy the 3-day weekend!!
You got some lovely ARCs this week. The one book from that list that I really can't wait to read is Alienated. It sounds like a great read! I have read some reviews for it so far. Most truly enjoyed it. Some just thought it was okay. I'd love to read what you think about it!